
General Structural Inspection

Square Footage of Property Estimated Inspection Rate
UP to 2000 Sq. Ft. $275.00
2001 to 3000 Sq. Ft. $325.00
3001 Sq. Ft. & Up  Please Call


Additional Services

Inspection Type Price for inspection
(2 Family) Add $50.00
(3-4 Family) Add $75.00
Pre-Listing Inspection $225.00
Radon Testing $95.00
Septic Dye Test $65.00
Water Quality Testing (E. Coli) $85.00
FHA/VA Water Testing $140.00
Well Flow Testing $50.00
Wood Destroy Pest Inspection(NPMA-33) $125.00
Distance Modifier – Over 60 miles $25.00


Military/Veterans Discount 10%

Payment: Cash, Check, Debit, or Credit (Must have cell service in order to process Debit or Credit – Powered by Square – Contactless, Chip, or Swipe)